Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boy or Girl!?!?

So I completely forgot to take a picture last week. Hey, I am doing good to remember I even have a blog. 

This is me at 18 weeks.

We went to the Dr. on Wednesday for a sonogram. They said all the measurements were perfect. The baby's size is exactly to date. Shane and I were really excited to hear everything looks normal, since we didn't have any special tests done. Apparently, this baby is very active. During the visit, we saw the baby laying face up, face down, then face up again. They also told us that we would be having a little GIRL!!! Here are a few pictures they took.

This is the normal side view.

Here she is playing with her ear. 

It was so cool to see her move! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What week is it???

So apparently I have been counting the weeks wrong. Oops. I was 1 week off on my earlier post. Hopefully I have it right this time.

This is 15 weeks. 
Shane took this one right after dinner. I'm not sure if it is the baby or the food that makes me look so big.

16 weeks. 
We went to the Dr. and Shane was able to hear the heart beat for the first time!

We will find out the sex of the baby March 30th!!! We can't wait.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Great News

 Well by know most of you know I am pregnant!! Here is how I have grown the past 3 weeks. 

Week 13
(Sorry I took this one with my phone.)

Week 14

Today I am 15 weeks!