Monday, May 21, 2012

9 Months

I can't believe she is already 9 months old. She still only has her bottom two teeth, but she is working on getting her top ones in. I think the top 4 all at a time, but I can only see 2 of them. 
9 months

She is really getting around now. She doesn't crawl like you might think of crawling... but it works for her. She is also pulling up on the furniture and walks up and down the couch. 
I find her standing in bed all the time. It was really scary the first time I walked by her room because we had not moved the mattress down yet. The top of the bar was at her waist. Needless to say I lowered the mattress before I put her back in the crib for her nap that afternoon.

Now that she is older, she is really starting to enjoy her baths. She loves to play with the water as it falls out the faucet and of course she loves splashing.

I can't wait to see how she will do in a pool. I'm so excited about the summer!