Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What A Crazy Month

OK. I know it has been a month since I last posted anything, but what a month!! Well, Shane and I are now the proud parents of an adorable little girl.

Kinsley was born August 1st at 2:29pm. She weighed 5 lb. 14 oz. and was 19.25 in. long. It all started at 1:45am. I woke up and walked to the kitchen to get a class of water. Well... my water broke instead. I being a little unsure of what was going on, looked up online to see if my water broke or if I had wet myself. I called Shane to let him know what had happened. (By the way, he was in Oklahoma. 6 hrs away.) I drove myself to the hospital to get checked out. I checked in around 3:15am. By 4am I was dilated to a 4, so I called Shane to let him know and to get to the hospital as fast as he could. By 5:30am I was at a 7. Then everything stopped. Around 8:30am, after some pain meds that didn't really help, I decided to get an epidural. Life was so much better. Shane arrived around 9am:) Nathan, the drummer in his band, drove him down from Oklahoma only to drive himself back. Around 12:30pm it was time and at 2:29pm my life changed forever.

Here is where the story really gets crazy. After the epidural wore off, I still couldn't feel my legs. They called in the anesthesiologist and he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he called a neurologist. Come to find out, during the 2 hours of pushing, I somehow managed to compress my femoral nerve. It controls the nerves for your quads, knee, and shin. So on August 5th they sent me to in-patient rehab. I stayed there until the 15th. Then I was stuck at home with home care rehab. Now I am going to out-patient rehab for 4 weeks. My right leg has regained all its feeling, but is not quite back to its full strength. My left leg is still numb from the top of the knee to the ankle, not including the calf muscle. Slowly I am getting back to normal and walking with a walker. I can't wait to be able to pick up Kinsley and just walk around holding her. Shane has been great. He has been taking care of both mother and daughter. God gave me such a wonderful husband!

 Almost 1 week old

 2 weeks old and finally getting to go home. 

3 weeks old

4 weeks old

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