Thursday, July 12, 2012

11 Months

11 months... It feels weird to say she will be turning 1 in a month. Shane says it feels like it, however it is hard for me to believe. 

11 months

Well, a lot has happened in a month she finally got those 4 top teeth... 

I know the pic. is bright but it was the best one I had of her teeth.

She took her first steps...

 We were in OK at a camp. Nathan had been teasing Shane for 2 days that he would get Kinsley to walk to him in OK and that she would be playing the drums. Well he got part of it right. She took 1 step to Nathan in OK but no drums. All you heard was Nathan laughing and Shane yelling "NO". She caught us all off guard so we didn't get a picture of her walking but we got the after shot. 

I love this pic because she looks like she's praying. Really she was clapping cause everyone was cheering.

She had her first 4th of July... 

However since we were at camp there weren't any fireworks. Shane and I agreed that it was k,m since she normally goes to bed around 8 anyway. 

When we got back home she fell asleep in her highchair at her morning snack. She did this on 3 different occasions.

Pretty soon my baby won't be a baby. :(

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