Thursday, January 30, 2014

9 months

So I'm not getting to post every month like I want, but at least I haven't given completely up on it... right? 

Anyway, Aubrey is now 9 months old. She has 2 bottom teeth and will cruise the furniture. No walking on her own yet, thank the Lord!!

Kinsley has the potty thing down for the most part. 

Life is stressful but good. Shane has started his first tax season and is taking 1 class this semester. Enough said.

Here are some updated photos.

 8 months

Christmas Sunday

Happy New Year!

I took picture but it was blurry so I tried to take another one. This was our conversation.
"Kinsley say cheese." "Already did."

9 months

 First time playing in the snow. Aubrey was not a fan of getting all bundled up to go outside.


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