Sunday, November 15, 2015


Here he is!

He was born Oct. 5 at 12:31pm. He weighed 8lb 4oz and was 20in long. He really didn't want to come. If you notice there is a bruse on his face. They had to use forceps to get him out even though I had a c-section. Crazy, right!

For Halloween Kinsley went as Merida from Brave again. Aubrey said, "I be a bear so I say ROAR!" LeighAnne then made SJ this bear costume so he fit in the Brave theme.

My friend Chelsea took his newborn pictures. She did a great job. Here are a few.  

This is the link to her site if you want to see the rest.

The girls are adjusting great. Kinsley was in love day 1, Aubrey... it took her a few days to warm-up to him. Now, all they want to do is play or touch him. They are really sweet and helpful. It makes me smile every time. I love having 3!

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