Saturday, January 7, 2012

5 Months!!

Christmas was so much fun. Even though she doesn't understand, it was cute to see her face when she saw a new colorful toy. We got most of the holiday on video (long video). I did get one picture of her Christmas morning playing with her new teething toy. Yes, I think she is starting to cut teeth even though I can't feel any. She drools like crazy. Along with the spit up, she is going to be one of those babies that always wears a bib. 

New Year's was fun too. We went to LeighAnne's house. Of course she slept though it, but she celebrated at dinner with us. 

Wow!! It really has been 5 months. She is getting so big, well for her. She is now rolling over, talking (if you can call it that) like you wouldn't believe, and eating cereal and a few veggies. 

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