Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2 months

So here we are at 2 months. She weighs 11 lbs. 5 oz. and is 22 inches long. My favorite part about her turning 2 months is that she is now starting to sleep 6 to 9 hours at night!!!

We went to a splash park the other day with Leighanne and her boys. Kinsley had a lot of fun. We tried this outfit at the splash park. It is sized at 18 months, however she's so skinny that the shorts kept falling off of her. So we just took them off.

It's funny to see Aubrey in a swimsuit at two months old that Kinsley wore when she was 11 months old. It's not a perfect fit, but it's almost.

Kinsley is definitely becoming a two-year-old. I love that she's actually singing songs to herself and at times to Aubrey. It's quite funny to listen to her. You can maybe understand two or three words out of the whole song. Even though Aubrey is yawning in this picture, she seems to enjoy the show no matter how Kinsley sounds.

She started smiling and cooing. It is so fun to have little conversations with her. 

 Happy Fathers Day! 
Or as Kinsley would say "Happy Birthday Daddy Day".

2 months

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